Home Maintenance Checklist

Home Maintenance Checklist

Seasonal Items


  • Check your property’s exterior for winter damage
  • Have a professional tend to any trees that look unhealthy or that need limbing up
  • Check outdoor furniture, play equipment & etc for damage
  • Clean gutters in preparation for spring rain
  • Put down spring lawn fertilizer and preemergent weed preventers
  • Install any window screens stored during the winter
  • Prep mower & trimmer (replace spark plugs, sharpen blades, fresh fuel & etc.)
  • Check smoke & carbon monoxide detectors when you set your clocks to daylight saving time
  • Schedule annual maintenance for your air conditioning units
  • Test any pumps, dehumidifiers, sump pumps & irrigation system


  • Replace batteries in smoke & carbon monoxide detectors
  • Test ground fault circuits interrupter (GFCI) outlets
  • Clean the lint out of dyer hoses and vents
  • Adjust ceiling fans to spin counterclockwise (to help cool rooms)
  • Inventory home belongs with an app or by making a list or video for upcoming hurricane season
  • Check attic ventilation and the seals on ducts in the attic to aid cooling in warm summer climates


  • Remove & store window screens
  • Clean gutters and remove leaves from around the house
  • Disconnect & drain outdoors hoses & store them inside
  • Seal your deck when temperatures are moderate
  • Store mowers & trimmers and drain fuel from tanks or add stabilizer
  • Aerate & seed your lawn
  • Check smoke & carbon monoxide detectors when you set clocks to standard time
  • Schedule annual maintenance for your furnace


  • Adjust ceiling fans to spin clockwise (to distribute the warmer air near the ceiling).
  • Clean the refrigerator & freezer, vacuum the coils on the backof the unit
  • Check seals on doors & windows and replace weather stripping where necessary
  • Clean the kitchen exhaust hood & air filter
  • Clean & organize the basement, garage and other storage areas
  • Check attic ventilation & the seals of ducts in the attic to prevent ice dams in the cold winter climates
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